Saturday Joy


Me savouring Saturday 🤩 joy…

I land and grind to a halt at the weekends exhausted and exhilarated all at once….Time has evolved into a blur nowadays…seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months years an obscure vague expression of life in full caps  and endless drama. 

Everything seems like its on loud … maybe its just me but the promise of a grinding to a deliberate  SLOW & SILENT Saturday has been a lifeline… 

I therefore pour myself into the end of week break like the refreshing promise of a cold hiss, pop and fizz of a favourite drink filling a glass …

And so today I am inspired to pay adoration and adulation to my most  precious of days…Saturdays….

Sacred Saturdays…(re)fresh  morning air gives pause, lulling, cleansing most transgressions and dis-ease even for an instant…

Sanguine Saturdays…(re)newal of the weary of our bodies & refill  our spirits with hope, faith and love - these things make the world go round.  

Savoury Saturdays…(re)connect and bless us with a bounty of the very things that brings each one of us  joy delight & pleasure…because we are worthy..



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